
    國際呼叫中心峰會暨第八屆中國最佳呼叫中心頒獎典禮隆重召開                                    2012中國最佳呼叫中心評選結果揭曉


    同時兼任《客戶世界》雜志總編輯,同濟大學經管學院顧問教授。曾在埃森哲, 惠普,戴爾等企業(yè)擔任電子商務和企業(yè)咨詢的管理職務. 長期從事客戶關系管理, 企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略,運營管理等方面咨詢,在相關領域發(fā)表過大量論述.


    呼叫中心行業(yè)專家,2000年涉足呼叫中心領域,從事過聯絡中心研發(fā)、需求分析、架構規(guī)劃與設計等工作, 曾參與過電信集團、移動集團、行業(yè)聯絡中心的規(guī)范制定工作,參與了中國移動、中國電信、中國聯通、 招商銀行、深發(fā)展、全國郵政、全國國稅、百度、平安保險、大地保險等多個呼叫中心的規(guī)劃建設。

NK Goyal
    NK Goyal President of CMAI

    Some of the expressions are spontaneous, natural. The chirping of the birds, the prattle of a kid, the expression of love…for time immemorial they have remained the same, followed the same pattern, the same nuances, made the same impact here, there, all over the world.
    But in the world of need based communication, the days of drums and smoke signals are over, passed into history with Tarzan or Mongli. It all changed in 1792, a French engineer, Claude Chappe built the first visual telegraphy system between Paris and Lille, followed by a line from Strausbourg to Paris. A century later the conventional telephone came into being as an invention of Alexander Graham Bell. In India, telecommunication has crossed phenomenal 150 years , since.
    A person from the hill state of India, Himachal, neighbouring the mighty Himalays, aspired to be a part of this fascinating story, four decades back. Today, after 35 years in the world of telecommunication he finds himself at the centrestage of burgeoning telecom revolution in India, performing various pivotal sroles in the process, spreading his activities all over India and the world.

Mr.Amit Dev
World BPO Forum
Chief Mentor
    Mr.Amit Dev World BPO Forum Chief Mentor

    Forum participation since Aug '01; on the Indian national Broadband consultative efforts by Industry leaders for target Connectivity advocacy drive and heading the specialized applications as the secured creative out-sourcing at World BPO Forum promoted WICS Advisors, being mentor of Call-centre services and other aspects of operations which include the Man-machine inter-phase in international digital-link.
    Senior convergence focused trade professional, with over 25years experience all across the global markets, available as Corporate spokesman or State regulator, Trade ombudsman, Trend observer or Academy coach roles; highly rated Futurist with digital perspective in Consumer adopting New-technology as collateral of self-efficiency.

Deepak Selvaratnam
the cofounder of Customer Services Audit Limited
    Deepak is the cofounder of Customer Services Audit Limited and developer of the Snapshotz Online web based tool for customer services.

    With over 20 years of experience in managing single, mixed and multi site contact centres including outsourcers he also has the experience of employing the Snapshotz tool across every type of industry vertical where contact centres are found.

    Deepak has an MBA ( Col ), Diploma from the Chartered institute of Marketing UK , is a certified project management professional PMP (USA) and has certifications in Shipping, Loss Prevention, Insurance and Risk Management.

Ian Aitchison
Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific Region, COPC Inc.
    Ian Aitchison,Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific Region, COPC Inc.

    Ian's fifteen years of experience in the contact centre industry have been marked by the consistent delivery of quality, service and process improvement with a focus on customer satisfaction that is the hallmark of the COPC framework. He brings to his position as CEO, Asia Pacific Region of COPC Inc. a level of experience
    Ian從事聯絡中心行業(yè)15年。15年來,他一直致力于持續(xù)實現質量、服務和流程的改善,并且一直關注消費者滿意度,這也體現了COPC 框架的特點。作為 COPC Inc.亞太區(qū)的首席執(zhí)行官,Ian的個人經歷涵蓋了聯絡中心業(yè)務的各個層面。

    Having managed in‐house and outsourced contact centres as well as back‐office processing centers, Ian fully understands the speed of change required when managing within the contact centre environment. His involvement in both inbound and outbound processes includes centres serving the technology, financial services,telecommunications, government, collections, credit card and insurance industries.

    Ian has provided training and consulting advice to more than 25% of the world's top 50 brands, is a senior auditor for the COPC‐2000 CSP Standard and a qualified Six Sigma trainer and has great expertise in Asian and Australian contact centre operations, having worked extensively throughout the region since joining COPC Inc. more than four years ago.
    Ian已經向世界前50名的知名企業(yè)中超過25%的企業(yè)提供過培訓和咨詢服務。是 COPC‐2000 顧客服務提供商標準的高級審核師以及合格的 6sigma 講師。Ian熟悉并擅長亞洲和澳洲呼叫中心運營,在加入COPC Inc.4年多的時間里,Ian和這一地區(qū)的公司進行了廣泛和深入的合作。

    Prior to joining COPC Inc. in March 2006,Ian served in a number of executive roles in the industry including National Contact Centre Manager for KAZ Business Services, Manager of Consulting Services at Datacom and Business Improvement Manager and Call Center Manager with Connect Interactive.
    在2006年3月加入 COPC Inc.前,Ian在行業(yè)從事多個高級管理職位,包括 KAZ 商業(yè)服務聯絡中心經理,Datacom咨詢服務部經理,Connect Interactive公司的商業(yè)提升經理和呼叫中心經理。

    Before moving to Australia in 2000,Ian was Customer Manager–Service Improvement Team with British Gas in Edinburgh, Scotland where he was a finalist for the Chairman's Award for Business Excellence.

    Ian holds a BA in Legal Studies from Napier University, Edinburgh Scotland and is currently studying for an MBA from the Edinburgh Business School at Heriot‐Watt University, Scotland.
    Ian持有蘇格蘭愛丁堡 納皮爾大學的法律本科學位,目前正在攻讀赫瑞瓦特大學的 MBA 學位。



    魏婕女士曾任原北京網通客戶服務中心副總經理、原北京網通增值業(yè)務中心副總經理、北京聯通語音增值業(yè)務中心副總經理等職務,曾榮獲原北京網通“北京2008年奧運會通信服務保障一等功臣”、 “2009年度中國最佳聯絡中心管理人獎”、2010年 “年度中國(亞太)最佳呼叫中心獎”、2011年 “中國最佳客戶聯絡中心產業(yè)杰出貢獻獎”和“中國最佳客戶聯絡中心技術解決方案獎”。負責原北京網通客戶服務中心10060服務熱線、114電話導航呼叫中心工作期間帶領114推出了機票預定服務、酒店預定服務、訂餐服務、失物招領服務等,開通了多語言服務。







    加盟奧迪堅通訊之前,姚晉民先生曾在加利福尼亞州圣何塞市的Centrum Communications及3COM公司任職,此外,他還擁有化學工學學士學位,市場營銷學士學位以及金融MBA學位。


    現任中金數據系統有限公司助理總裁、云計算中心總經理,國內最早的企業(yè)云計算踐行者。2009年加入中金數據,共同開創(chuàng)了中金數據的云計算業(yè)務,成功構建金融行業(yè)云計算產品/服務及市場開拓,對云計算技術趨勢、商業(yè)模式和行業(yè)應用有深入的思考和實踐。對企業(yè)信息系統架 構工程的方法論有深刻理解,曾經參與了多個商業(yè)銀行信息模型的規(guī)劃和建設和業(yè)務咨詢工作。